International PhD course:
Supervised by Dan Kärreman, University of Lund; Pushkala Prasad, University of Lund; André Spicer, Warwick Business School
The PhD course aims to give an advanced introduction to the theoretical frameworks, research interests and methodologies in Critical management studies. We will look how this has been applied in organization studies as well as other subdisciplines of management such as accounting, marketing and strategy. The course will also give examples of critical studies and show how critical research can be produced. During the course, participants will be asked to to present their own PhD projects. They will have an opportunity to receive feedback on their project from faculty and other course participants.
The Theorical Basis of Critical Management Studies.
Applying Critical Management Studies
Doing Critical Management Studies
The course will include 30 hours of teaching, lectures and seminars.
Written paper based on students own project
Dan Kärreman, Pushkala Prasad and André Spicer supervises the course. Other teachers include Karen Lee Ashcraft (University of Utah), Mats Alvesson (Lund University), Campbell Jones (Copenhagen Business School) and Yiannis Gabriel (Royal Holloway, University of London).
The course fee will be 500 Euros.
Lund is located in Southern Sweden, 1 hour train ride from Copenhagen. We will assist in finding cheap accommodation.
Application should submit a short bio, 1 paragraph on their motivation of interest for joining the course, and short abstract describing their own research project. This should be sent to by March 1st. We can give earlier notication of acceptance if needed.
For more information please contact Andre Spicer at Warwick.